How to Keep God First - Michael Lignos-Teresa Devine

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Learning how to keep God first amidst busy lifestyles is daunting. Michael Lignos, an experienced technology executive with three decades in the field, recently provided insights on how he balances a demanding executive lifestyle with his Christian faith. In an enlightening discussion, Michael highlighted practical strategies to keep God first with a busy professional life. […]

God First Executive Series: Grady Ligon, CIO

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In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to keep our priorities straight, especially when it comes to our spiritual lives. Grady Ligon, a successful global executive and devoted Christian, shares his experiences and insights on how to put God first amidst the demands of a busy career and personal life. His story is a […]

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Hi there and welcome to Teresa’s Takes. This is the space where I answer your questions about living a practical Christian lifestyle. Let’s dive into today’s topics, inspired by questions from our community. Expressing Faith at Work: A Guide for the Modern Christian Question from Manuel: How can I share my faith at work without […]

How ironic. Just a few weeks ago I blogged about turning trials into triumph. Today, I’m typing this one flat on my back to share my revelation of turning back pain into empathy.  Sounds like a trial to me! Thankfully, compared to many people, my lifetime contains a few minor injuries, illnesses, and surgeries. Not […]

August 20, 2018

As business owners, it’s easy to become discouraged at times. We need strong words of wisdom to keep us motivated, focused, and help us conquer business owner fear. At 3:30 am I awoke with a feeling that I thought I buried after leaving the demands of my technology career. I thought, “Oh no, this familiar […]

June 27, 2018

God knows what we need even when we don’t have a clue. I recall a time in my life when prayer was not a priority because I found it challenging to devote the proper amount of time, focus, and patience to the wonderful world of prayer that I know today. Praise God for His faithfulness […]

February 6, 2018

I recall being a new Christian. It was exciting, awkward, intimidating, uncertain, and thrilling all at the same time. Unfortunately, my development as a newly baptized Christian delayed for many years because of a gap in answering the question, “now what?” Even though I attended church from my earliest years of childhood, my defining moment […]

July 20, 2017

Spiritual growth is very similar to successfully running a marathon race, allow me to explain… Many years ago, I trained to run the Disney full marathon race. It was a spontaneous decision with no prior experience unless you count my half-hearted attempt at high-school track and field. I knew that I would never train for […]

June 12, 2017

I spent a good portion of my life being more critical and judgmental of others in some capacity and I even achieved becoming my own worst critic.  I’m embarrassed and remorseful and praise God for pruning away my critical spirit and replacing those voids with compassion, understanding and a new level of love for people. […]

January 24, 2016

I’m on a flight back from Chicago to Atlanta and this is on my mind…what message do I want to share tonight?  I started to question why I feel self pressure to leave a message and why would I think that anyone would be interested in what I have to say? I think I fall […]

October 28, 2011
Read The Holy Bible

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